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Classical Music and the New London Middle Class

QantumThemes | November 10, 2017

Are you interested in making custom dance music? Most of the information on the internet will tell you that in order to create dance beats yourself, you will need a professional recording studio which costs many thousands of dollars, but that is definitely not the case now. Although it is […]


Classical Music for Wedding Traditions

QantumThemes | November 10, 2017

The most enjoyable part of the wedding reception is the dance music. When choosing dance music for your wedding, you need to decide if you want the services of a DJ or a band for your wedding. For a church wedding, you could sit with the minister to decide on […]

Artist life

Six Pieces of Classical Music Kids Will Enjoy

QantumThemes | November 10, 2017

Time and Time again, one of my friends will say to me, “You’re still listening to Dance Music? When are you going to grow out of that, there hasn’t been anything new in years?”… Me: “No, you haven’t heard anything new in years”. “And listen to what?” I always say. […]

Artist life

Olympic Games For Classical Music Composers

QantumThemes | November 10, 2017

In whatever area you will want to make yourself wealthy and famed, you need to embody the enthusiasm and patience, the courage and gumption to succeed spectacularly. Or else, you’ll never grow out of being a dreamer. And with the aggressive rivalry in the dance music business today, your ambition […]


Understanding Classical Music – Chopin

QantumThemes | November 10, 2017

What is Dance Music? The definition of dance music is quite simply- Music composed/ played specifically for dancing to. Dance music includes a whole variety of music from waltz to tango, disco to rock.From the dawn of mankind humans possessed the desire to danceIn accient times, the first purpose of […]

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Prelude No. 11 [Tears of Love]