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Jinger (Original Mix)

Butterfly Wings EP

Firefly Rec FRL 652R July 15, 2016

  • Jinger (Original Mix)



  • Butterfly Wings (Original Mix)

    Skillax feat Morgan J.


  • Every Night (Original Mix)



The first track of the EP is titled �Jinger�, which can be translated to �body�. It opens with a muffled, distorted drum and bass rhythm which phases around the stereo field, building up until it drops with the entrance of a heavy back-beat. The riff is reminiscent of The Prodigus, a group that have voiced their support for Muzi�s sound. It is instantly clear as to why people would tell the South African that his �music was very violent� given the intensity of the kick drum within the mix. It pierces through all in it�s path, and without the use of a snare alongside it, evokes the feeling of aggression.